Izjava udeležencev evropskega prvenstva v športnem seksu – 15.6.2023

Izjava udeležencev evropskega prvenstva v športnem seksu – 15.6.2023


Udeleženci Evropskega športnega tekmovanja v seksu z globokim obžalovanjem sporočamo svojo odločitev o odstopu od tekmovanja zaradi vrste nepremostljivih težav, povezanih s tehnično in operativno organizacijo dogodka.

Kamere prva dva dni tekmovanja niso delovale, kar je onemogočalo pravilno izvedbo in dokumentiranje dogodka. Nenehno smo se srečevali s težavami s preobremenitvijo, zaradi česar smo bili v izzivih prikrajšani.

Odsotnost predstavnikov Swedish Sex Federation na dogodku nas je zelo razočarala. Prav tako ni bilo prisotnega varnostnega osebja, ki bi skrbelo za našo varnost in zdravje.

Poleg tega želimo pojasniti, da med tekmovanjem ni bilo drog. Alkohol je zagotovila Švedska spolna zveza in imamo pisno korespondenco, ki potrjuje, da je bila v tekmovalni program vključena tako imenovana “party night”. To je dodatno zapletlo položaj in prispevalo k splošnemu pomanjkanju strokovnosti.

Bivalni pogoji v studiu so bili neprimerni za skupino naše velikosti. Brez dostopa do svežega zraka in z zelo slabim prezračevanjem so bili prostori nezdravi in ​​neudobni. Odsotnost tople vode v prvih dneh je ovirala osnovno higieno. Spalnice so bile neprimerne, saj niso omogočale počitka zaradi zgodnje zore na Švedskem in pomanjkanja senčil ali rolet.

Poleg teh težav smo opazili pomanjkanje osnovnih pravnih zagotovil za naše sodelovanje. Ni bilo urejene tipske pogodbe, brez dovoljenj za objavo posnetkov in medsebojno podpisanih pogodb o sodelovanju. To so ključna vprašanja, ki vplivajo na našo pravno zaščito in varnost.

V prihodnjih tednih pripravljamo kratek dokumentarni film, ki bo predstavil vse podrobnosti in pričevanja udeležencev tekmovanja. Verjamemo, da bo ta film prispeval k razumevanju situacije in poudaril potrebo po izboljšavah v prihodnjih tekmovanjih.

Zahvaljujemo se vam za razumevanje.
Lep pozdrav

With deep regret, we, the contestants of the European Sports Competition in Sex, announce our decision to withdraw from the competition due to a series of insurmountable issues related to the technical and operational organization of the event.

The cameras were non-operational during the first two days of the competition, which hindered the proper execution and documentation of the event. We were constantly faced with overloading issues, making it challenging for us to perform effectively.

The absence of representatives from the Swedish Sex Federation at the event greatly disappointed us. Also, there was no security personnel present, responsible for ensuring our safety and health.

Moreover, we want to clarify that there were no drugs present during the competition. Alcohol was provided by the Swedish Sex Federation and we have written correspondence confirming that there was a so-called “party night” included in the competition program. This further complicated the situation and added to the overall lack of professionalism.

The living conditions in the studio were unsuitable for a group of our size. Without access to fresh air and with very poor ventilation, the spaces were unhealthy and uncomfortable. The absence of hot water in the initial days impeded basic hygiene. The sleeping quarters were unsuitable as they did not allow for rest due to the early dawn in Sweden and the lack of blinds or roller shutters.

In addition to these difficulties, we noticed the lack of basic legal assurances for our participation. There were no 2257 type contracts arranged, no permissions for publishing footage, and no mutually signed cooperation agreements. These are key issues that impact our legal protection and safety.

In the coming weeks, we are preparing a short documentary film that will present all the details and testimonies of the participants of the competition. We believe this film will contribute to understanding the situation and highlight the need for improvements in future competitions.

We thank you for your understanding.
Best Regards,

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