Dragi člani, podporniki in prijatelji,
Organizacija Dobra Družba, ki že vrsto let zagovarja pravice in varnost seksualnih delavcev po celotnem Balkanu, vas vabi k sodelovanju v zelo pomembnem projektu. Z vašo pomočjo želimo razviti aplikacijo SESTRA: Secure Exchange and Support Through Responsive Assistance, ki bo seksualnim delavcem, podpornikom in članom naše organizacije na voljo brezplačno. Ta aplikacija je zasnovana tako, da omogoča varno izmenjavo informacij, hitro identifikacijo potencialno problematičnih klicev in dostop do vitalnih virov za izobraževanje in samozaščito.
Cilj Zbiranja Sredstev
Za razvoj in implementacijo aplikacije SESTRA potrebujemo zbrati 3690 EUR. Vsak prispevek, ne glede na velikost, bo pomemben korak k izkoreninjenju zlorab in izboljšanju pogojev za delo v industriji za odrasle v naši regiji. To ni samo investicija v tehnologijo, temveč investicija v človeška življenja in njihovo varnost.
Kako lahko pomagate
- Donacije: Vsak finančni prispevek je dobrodošel. Donirate lahko preko naše spletne strani, kjer boste našli vse potrebne informacije za nakazilo. Prav tako lahko donirate neposredno preko mobilnih plačilnih platform.
- Delite našo zgodbo: Pomagajte nam razširiti vest o našem projektu tako, da informacijo delite s svojimi prijatelji, družino in kolegi. Več ljudi kot ve za našo pobudo, večje je upanje za njen uspeh.
3. Postanite prostovoljec: Če želite prispevati svoj čas in veščine, iščemo prostovoljce za pomoč pri promociji in organizaciji dogodkov povezanih s projektom.
Zakaj je to Pomembno?
V industriji za odrasle so seksualni delavci pogosto izpostavljeni tveganjem in nevarnostim, ki jih lahko omili pravilno informiranje in dostop do podpornih virov. Aplikacija SESTRA bo omogočila:
– Večjo varnost s takojšnjim obveščanjem o problematičnih klicateljih.
– Izboljšano dobrobit z dostopom do izobraževalnih materialov in nujne pomoči.
– Povečanje moči in solidarnosti med delavci s skupno izmenjavo znanja in informacij.
Z vašo podporo lahko naredimo mali, a velik korak v zgodovini industrije za odrasle na Balkanu. Vsaka donacija, ne glede na njeno velikost, bo prispevala k večji varnosti, opolnomočenju in kakovosti življenja seksualnih delavcev v naši regiji.
Nujne in zelo dobrodošle donacije za projekt SESTRA sprejemamo preko Inštituta za Raziskovanje Seksualnega Dela (ISWR) na spodnji povezavi.
Vsak prispevek bo neposredno koristil razvoju aplikacije SESTRA, ki bo omogočila varnejše in bolj podporno delovno okolje za seksualne delavce po Balkanu. Hvala vam za vašo podporo!
Skupaj zmoremo več!
Zahvaljujemo se vam za vašo velikodušnost in podporo. Vsak prispevek nas približa našemu cilju, vsaka deljena zgodba poveča našo moč. Pomagajte nam ustvariti boljšo prihodnost za vse v naši skupnosti.
Z vsem spoštovanjem,
Ekipa Dobra Družba
Let’s Gather Together for the Safety and Wellbeing of our Communities!
Dear members, supporters and friends,
The organization Dobra Družba, which has been defending the rights and safety of sex workers throughout the Balkans for many years, invites you to participate in a very important project. With your help, we want to develop the application SESTRA: Secure Exchange and Support Through Responsive Assistance, which will be available free of charge to sex workers, supporters and members of our organization. This app is designed to enable secure information sharing, quick identification of potentially problematic calls, and access to vital resources for education and self-protection.
Fundraising Objective
We need to collect EUR 3690 for the development and implementation of the SESTRA application. Any contribution, no matter the size, will be an important step towards eradicating abuses and improving working conditions in the adult industry in our region. This is not only an investment in technology, but an investment in human lives and their safety.
How You Can Help
- Donations: Any financial contribution is welcome. You can donate via our website, where you will find all the necessary information for the transfer. You can also donate directly through mobile payment platforms.
- Share our story: Help us spread the word about our project by sharing the information with your friends, family and colleagues. The more people who know about our initiative, the greater the hope for its success.
- Become a volunteer: If you want to contribute your time and skills, we are looking for volunteers to help promote and organize events related to the project.
Urgent and very welcome donations for the SISTER project are accepted through the Institute for Sexual Work Research (ISWR) at the link below.
Every contribution will directly benefit the development of the SISTER application, which will enable a safer and more supportive work environment for sex workers in the Balkans. Thank you for your support!
Why is this important?
In the adult industry, sex workers are often exposed to risks and dangers that can be mitigated by proper information and access to support resources. The SESTRA application will enable:
– Greater security with immediate notification of problematic callers.
– Improved well-being through access to educational materials and emergency assistance.
– Increasing strength and solidarity among workers through joint exchange of knowledge and information.
With your support, we can take a small but big step in the history of the adult industry in the Balkans. Every donation, regardless of its size, will contribute to greater safety, empowerment and quality of life for sex workers in our region.
Together we can do more!
Thank you for your generosity and support. Every contribution brings us closer to our goal, every shared story increases our strength. Help us create a better future for everyone in our community.
With all respect,
The Dobra Družba team